You've been invited to play the role of ERNEST CARPENTER in Simply Murder at the Garden Party. Sir Richard Flyson is holding an exclusive garden party and barbecue at his summer residence to demonstrate his latest invention - a vacuum powered strimmer called the Vrimmer. But when Sir Flyson flicks the switch - well, let's just say the sausages aren't the only things that got burned. It looks like murder... but whodunit?

Your costume suggestion

You like to remind people you’re a DIY TV personality so tend to wear your checked work shirt and tool belt everywhere you go.

About you...

“Ernest Carpenter at your service. If you need something planing, sanding, hammering or screwing I’m your man. I’m sad to see what happened to Flyson today - I won’t be able to fix that. We’ve been friends for quite a few years now and I’ve enjoyed working with him. I’ve never asked for any money for my assistance, and I’ve never been offered any, but it’s nice to know I’ve been making a difference. All I have left now is my TV series, but who watches TV anymore?”